Adventure Time
() You’re sensitive and cry a lot
( ) You seek adventure
( ) You’re into sports and are very active
( ) You’re more of a leader
( ) You have dealt with a crush not liking you back
( ) You’re sometimes violent and can get a bit out of line
( ) You’re very brave and willing to try anything
(х) You have a strong sense of responsibility
( ) You love helping others and get upset when you’re incapable of doing so
( ) It’s hard for you to do anything “bad” or “evil”
( ) Rarely act mature
( ) You’re laid back and never worry
(х) You like jokes and are funny
( ) You like giving advice, but sometimes they vary between good and bad
( ) You can be irresponsible at times
( ) You love to eat
(х) You may be fickle or inconsistent with your thoughts
(х) You have a short attention span and may drop conversations easily
( ) You are very religious and have a strong belief
(х) You are imaginative and creative
(х) You like to travel and enjoy exotic things
( ) You’re very rebellious and don’t listen to what others say
(х) You have a strong love for music
( ) You’re very mischievous and aren’t intimidated by anything
( ) Others may describe you as mysterious
(х) You’re very emotional
( ) You’re independent
(х) You may get annoyed easily
(х) You have a close group of friends that are important to you
( )When you dislike someone you show aggression towards them rather than trying to burn down the hatch
Hunson Abadeer
(х) You may seem cold and emotionless
(х) You are rational
( ) You are very analytical
(х) You have a sense of humor
( ) You like it when things are done your way (doesn’t everyone..?)
( ) You may have a tendency of bossing others around just to get your way
( ) You’re manipulative
(х) You are intelligent
( ) You’re crafty and sneaky
(х) You dislike most people but get really impressed when they do something impressive
Princess Bubblegum
( ) You are a leader
( ) You are a perfectionist
(х) You’re amiable and nice
( ) You’re friendly and love others
( ) Even though you’re usually nice and sweet, you may get malicious when crossed
(х) You like science
(х) You’re noble and have high morals
( ) You’re organized
( ) You like parties and events
(х) You have lots of fears
Lumpy Space Princess
( ) You may like attention or seek attention from others
( ) You can be a bit selfish at times
( ) You show little to no concerns at times
( ) You get upset when things don’t go your way
( ) You dislike getting ignored
( ) You may complain a lot
( ) You misinterpret things and jump to conclusions
( ) You make fun of people, even if it’s silently
( ) You tend to lose your temper
( ) You like flirting and always think about the boys/girls
Ice King
(х) You are lonely most of the time
( ) Some people consider you annoying
( ) You are disagreeable
( ) You have a short-temper
( ) You are arrogant
( ) You have poor social skills
(х) You’re misunderstood
(х) You’re actually quite benign and kind
( ) You’re desperate for love
(х) You’re weird
Flame Princess
( ) You don’t think anyone would actually like you
( ) You are a bit unstable
( ) You’re quick to jump to conclusions
( ) You may seem mildly aggressive at times
( ) You have a fickle personality and it changes from moody to easy-going
(х)You’re difficult
(х) You’re learning how to be able to handle pain
(х) You are curious and are interested in learning new things
( ) You try covering up pain inside
( ) You change your mind a lot
Хотя, признаться, ожидала, что буду Джейком или Снежным Королем.
Ну и ладно. Хансон Абадир тоже хорошо

@темы: чудо-зверята, Deus ex machina, sono pazzo, sono scemo, дык, ёлы-палы, позор, Вся плоть - трава