Вслед за Ivor The Engine Driver
Day 1:
Deep Purple
Favorite songs: Strange kind of woman, Highway star, Anyone's daughter, Fools, Demon's eye, When a blind man cries, Never Before, Black Night, Burn, A 200, Sail Away, You keep on movin', Mistreated, Soldier of Fortune, Perfect Strangers... ну и Smoke on the water, куда без нее?
Favorite album: Machine Head
First song you heard: вот на удивление это были не Smoke on the water и не Child in Time, а Highway Star
Favorite member: вот Mark II весь, честное слово
Favorite lyrics: Child in Time, Fools, When a blind man cries, Soldier of Fortune
Seen them live: с их первого приезда к нам в 2001 посещаю каждый концерт, итого 4 раза. Еще приедут - еще пойду
When you became a fan/why you got into them: давным-давно папа мне как-то сказал, что, когда я услышу Child in Time, я безоглядно влюблюсь в музыку Purple. Но первой в руки мне попалась кассета с Machine Head. Ну и, собственно, все уже большую часть моей жизни Purple в моем сердце. Думаю, уже навсегда
Day 2:
Favorite songs: Yours truly 2095, Another heart breaks, Calling America, Getting to the point, Rain is falling, Here is the news, The diary of Horace Wimp, Last train to London, Evil woman, Strange magic, Secret messages, Mr. Blue Sky, Telephone Line, Rockaria!, Can't get it out of my head, Turn to stone, All over the world, Mission (A world record), Moment in paradise etc.
Favorite album: Time
First song you heard: Twilight
Favorite member: Джефф Линн
Favorite lyrics: Ticket to the Moon, Rain is falling, Rockaria!, Yours truly 2095 etc.
Seen them live:
When you became a fan/why you got into them: а я просто не помню те времена, когда я не слушала ELO
Day 3
Alan Parsons Project
Favorite songs: The Raven, Cask of Amontillado, The Fall Of The House Of Usher (II Arrival, IV Pavane), The tell-tale heart, Doctor Tarr and Professor Fether, Some other time, Breakdown, Don't let it show, The voice, Genisus Ch.IV.32, What goes up, In the lap of the gods, Lucifer, You won't be there, Damned if I do, May be a price to pay, Games people play, Time The gold bug, The turn of a friendly card (все части), Eye in the sky, Mammagamma, Old and wise, Prime Time, One good reason, Don't answer me, Dancing on a highwire, You don't believe, Pipeline, Ammonia avenue, Stereotomy, Light of the world, La Sagrada Familia, Passeig de Gracia, Jigue, Re-Jigue, Mr. Time, Apollo, Time Machine (обе части), L'arc en ciel, We play the game, You can run etc.
Favorite album: Turn of a friendly card, Tales of mystery and imagination, Ammonia Avenue
First song you heard: Turn of a friendly card part II
Favorite member: Алан Парсонс и Эрик Вульфсон
Favorite lyrics: Games people play, You don't believe, The Raven, Don't let it show, The turn of a friendly card, Old and wise
Seen them live: почти что -_____- у меня был уже билет, но Алан отменил турне...
When you became a fan/why you got into them: папа лет дцать сказал "Я думаю, тебе понравится Алан Парсонс". Ну и... пропала я с головой
Day 4
Red Hot Chili Peppers
Favorite songs: Around the world, By the way, Dani California, Parallel Universe, Snow (Hey Oh), Scar Tissue, Otherside, Californication, Can't stop. Cabron, Under the bridge, Road Trippin', Give it away, Breaking the girl, Brendan's Death Song, Dance dance dance etc.
Favorite album: Californication, Blood Sugar Sex Magik
First song you heard: Give it away
Favorite member: Кидис. И Фли. Ну и Фрушанте, который уже экс хотя Чад, наверное, тоже
Favorite lyrics: Under the bridge, Parallel Universe
Seen them live: увы...
When you became a fan/why you got into them: помню, услышала по радио Give it away. Запомнилось. Где-то спустя время услышала Under the bridge. Зацепило. Потом папа купил кассету с какой-то пиратской (как практически все в те далекие времена) компиляшкой. Вслушалась. А потом вышел Californication, окончательно расставивший точки над i...
Day 5
Pink Floyd
Favorite songs: Dogs, Sheep, Pigs, Have a cigar, Money, Any colour you like, Brain damage, Time, Us and them, Great gig in the sky, Shine on you Crazy Diamond (Part 1), Another brick in the wall (Part 2), Goodbye blue sky, Comfortably numb, Run like hell, The trial, Sorrow etc.
Favorite album: Animals
First song you heard: Time
Favorite member: Гилмор
Favorite lyrics: Sheep, Us and them, Comfortably numb, Have a cigar
Seen them live: опять же, не свезло
When you became a fan/why you got into them: знала, что их любит папа. Классе в третьем увидела на MCM фрагменты "Стенки". Скарфовская мультипликация дико понравилась, потому, установив, что это PF, пошла и выгребла кассеты, чтобы слушать, слушать и слушать самое интересное то, что двойник со "Стенкой" представлял собой не альбомную, а театральную версию. Знаете, какая трава - слушать это в плеере?
Day 6
Favorite songs: Great king rat, Jesus, White Queen [as it began], The march of the Black Queen, Funny how love is, Killer Queen, Lily of the valley, '39, The Prophet's song, Love of my life, Bohemian Rhapsody, You take my breath away, Somebody to love, White man, Good old fashion boy, All dead all dead, Spread you wings, Somebody to love, My melancholy blues, Mustapha, Fat bottomed girls, Jealousy, Don't stop me now, Another one bites the dust, It's a hard life, Is this the world we created?, One year of love, Pain is so close to pleasure, Who wants to live forever, Don't lose your head, I want it all, Scandal, My baby does me, Innuendo, I'm going slightly mad, Don't try so hard, Bijou, The show must go on, Mother Love, You don't fool me, A winter's tale etc.
Favorite album: Queen II, Day at the Races, Jazz, Innuendo, Made in Heaven
First song you heard: Somebody to love
Favorite member: Фредди
Favorite lyrics: Don't try so hard, Show must go on, I'm going slightly mad, White Queen [as it began], Funny how love is, Spread your wings, Don't stop me now, Is this the world we created?, Who wants to live forever, The Prophet's song, Innuendo, A winter tales, My life has been saved
Seen them live: ну, думаю, всем понятно...
When you became a fan/why you got into them: слушала их еще до рождения
Day 7
Favorite songs: Clint Eastwood, Dare, All alone, Dirty Harry, El manana, Every we rich is dead, Feel Good Inc, Kids with guns, November has come, Tomorrow comes today, 19-2000, Sound Check (Gravity), Stylo, Broken, Empire Ants, Pirate Jet etc.
Favorite album: Demon's Day
First song you heard: Clint Eastwood
Favorite member: 2D
Favorite lyrics: Tomorrow comes today, Kids with guns
Seen them live: опять же, нет
When you became a fan/why you got into them: сначала думала, что однодневка (когда впервые увидела Clint Eastwood на MTV), потом вслушалась - внезапно понравилось. Пошла купила альбом дальше - понятное дело
30 days band challenge
| четверг, 13 октября 2011